RSVP for Krautoberfest!
Join us Sunday October 13th, 3:00-9:00pm for a delightful evening of German cuisine, beer, and camaraderie at the 3rd annual "Krautoberfest"! This October tradition brings together close friends and family to enjoy homemade sauerkraut, imported German beers, and a mouthwatering German-themed feast, featuring Choucroute Garnie, sauerbraten, spaetzle, rotkohl, apple strudel, and more. Join us for an unforgettable evening of Gemütlichkeit!
Sunday October 13, 2024, 3:00 pm - 9:00 pmJason Fiehler & Katie O'Dell's Home
820 Sherilin Drive
Kirkwood, MO 63122Hosted By: Jason Fiehler (mobile: 314.368.4133) and Katie O'Dell (mobile: 314.503.9555)Please bring with you: Your appetite. Kids are welcome!Dress: Party casual - lederhosen and dirndl are optional!See you there!